Saturday, September 20, 2008

Very Cool

Today the city of Scappoose held its annual festival. Which bring the entire community to the blocks right outside the door of my café.

But what we learned from enduring the past two years' Sauerkraut Festivals is this:

Yes, the entire city parties right outside the doors…but they bring their own food.

So, this year, we decided to just…be open. And let the citizens of our fair town feel obligated to buy a cup of coffee so that they can use our bathrooms. Sigh!

Business being what it was, husband and I had the opportunity to "do" the festival. Which took all of about ten minutes. We did, however, come up with one incredible find.

An original oil painting, entered into the fine art contest at the library: 

Look familiar?

Probably not.

Hint: The painting is titled "Café in the Heat of the Day."

My café. On the right. Tables on the sidewalk and all.

Very cool.


Charlene ♥ NC said...

How ironic is that? Not that someone painted it, but that they had it there at the festival, and that you found it! It's a very nice piece ... congrats!

Always enjoy reading your posts!
Thanks for sharing.

Bill said...

Hi, I just wanted to let you know I followed you over from AOL since they are shutting down the journals there. I'll look forward to reading your posts here.

Sage Ravenwood said...

I'm following...(winks) Indigo